Somble Spaces

Somble Spaces are community boards. Think “Facebook Groups”, but directly embedded into your Somble platform with tons of little touches to create engaging experiences specific to fitness + wellness communities.

Every coach has the ability to create as many Somble Spaces as they want and all coaches start with a Home space, set to Secret visibility. You can edit that Space and begin using it or you can delete it - it's not publicly viewable until you update it to Public or Private visibility.

Let's unpack each Space type.

Public Spaces

Public Spaces can be seen by anyone who comes to your Somble platform, regardless of if they're a client. However, to actually post, react, or comment in the Space, people will be asked to make an account and click a button confirming they're joining the Space.

Private Spaces

While Private Spaces show up in your publicly viewable list of Spaces, only those who are invited to the Space or have joined a mapped offering for the Space will see posts that are in the space or leave comments and reactions.

Secret Spaces

Secret Spaces won't show up on your publicly viewable list of spaces and only those who have either been invited to it or have joined a mapped offering for the Space will be able to see it exists, post in it, or leave comments and reactions. Basically, no one will know it exists if they're not already in it.

A quick FAQ: Can clients see my "Community" tab if their aren't any spaces they can access? Nope. If you only have Secret Spaces or Private Spaces without any mapped offering, clients won't see the Community Tab at all.

Core Features (v1)

📚 Run multiple spaces

📍 Pin posts

📸 Add photos, videos, attachments, and links to posts

🏷️ Tag clients and content in posts

😱 Comments and reactions on posts

✉️ Invite members to the space or auto-add members based on offerings they’re in

🕵️‍♀️ Customize privacy settings, add admins, and manage permissions

👀 See who in the space is online currently

🔥 Activity feeds w/ milestones, streaks, program finishes, and class bookings

🚨 Push notifications for new posts, comments and mentions

Use Cases

Use Case 1: A Private Space for Specific Clients

Need a place for your programming clients, subscription members, or any other cohort of your community to post progress pics, keep up on announcements, and celebrate wins? Create a Private space and connect it to an offering like a program or membership.

Use Case 2: A Public Space for Community Announcements

Want a board to make announcements to everyone in your community, go a little deeper with an “About Me”, or spark engagement with clients before they even join an offering? Create a Public space for the world to see.

Use Case 3: A Secret Space for Leadership Teams or Small Client Cohorts

Need to post updates in a group that no one else needs to know even exists? Set your space to secret and fire away. Only invited members or members of a specific mapped offering can join - the space won’t be shown to anyone that’s not in it.