Editing Video Details and Price

If you ever need to update, delete, or hide an on-demand video, you can do so by finding the video on your profile, clicking into it, hovering over settings, and clicking "Edit Video" - this will take you straight to the content management page with the video settings already opened.

Update Existing On-Demand Videos - Changing Prices, Descriptions, Tags and More

Whenever you want to update any details for an on-demand video, hover over your Profile Picture in the Header and head to "Content Management", then click "On-Demand Videos". Find the video you'd like to amend, and "Edit" it via the button with three dots under "Actions". Change any details you'd like and click the orange "Edit Video Details" button to save your changes.

Delete Existing Video's

Just find the video you'd like to delete in Content Management - On Demand Videos and click "Delete Video". Alternatively, you can hide the video (rather than delete it) by clicking into the Video's settings and selecting "Program Only". See above.