Community Boards

Community Boards are the home for your Somble community.

Once you have 5 or more Supporters and 25 or more pieces of activity, you'll unlock your community board.

What's a Community Board?

It’s a public-facing page for you and your Community to engage with each other!

  • Make Announcements
  • Reply to Reviews
  • See Recent Activity like New Members and Class Bookings

Why should I care?

Accountability: Your people hold each other accountable when they see others joining classes, asking questions, etc.

Growth: When newcomers see the community you’ve built here, they are way more interested in joining it.

How do I use it?

You can make announcements on your page whenever you want just by heading to the Community Tab on your Creator Profile page. 

You can also check activity via your community board - any new community members, new class bookings and reviews will appear on the board.

Community Boards are great for starting a dialogue. Posting announcements with questions or responding to reviews on the board can drive community engagement and show your people that you're there for them outside of classes as well.

How do I change my Board settings?

We understand that privacy is very important. Most Community Board settings revolve around privacy and can be toggled from the settings wheel in the top right of your Creator Profile.